Tag Archives: Die Kruezen

October 21, 2010

Get Rich or Die Cruisin’ dude!!

So stoked I found this photo!!!

I remember owning this Die Kreuzen record back in junior high and being particularly drawn to this image. As a kid on a steady diet of metal and punk music and graphics, this cover had everything I liked. The band never played the cultural hotbed of Edmonton, so I decided to make the tee in Grade 7 art class  (unfortunately, the actual tee did not survive..boohoo).

This was done with a paint brush, using regular fabric paints and I am quite sure, is the first tee I ever made. I remember making a few more one-off, DIY tees (Celtic Frost, Slayer and The Cramps) over the next few years, but …no photos have surfaced ….yet.

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