July 3, 2015

To Fiorucci with Love

Fiorucci is an Italian street wear brand established in 1967 and it flourished in the late 70’s and much of the 80’s. Although the brand is still around in some form, it really is a shadow of it’s former self. In it’s heyday it was one of the coolest names around. Combining pop culture, art, and fashion while infusing it with a sense of fun and sex that was never really done before. Fiorucci was was affordable, street and cool long before any of todays’ “fast fashion” brands ever existed, and it’s attitude was always pure sass!

Some Product would probably not exist without Fiorucci. I can’t think of many other brands that have had a more significant influence on our aesthetic and approach to design. We have always aspired to make products that are fun and functional with a reverence for pop culture.

Enjoy some very amazing vintage Fiorucci print ads, and an absolute must is this gem of a news clip about the original Fiorucci shop in New York. Watch it here.

TACK-O is where it AT!

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