Tag Archives: Pop culture

October 24, 2015

Pierre et Gilles – a saccharine deception


Pierre et Gilles are French romantic and artistic partners that have been working together for close to 40 years. That alone is a reason to admire and love them. But there is more. Much more.

They create some of the most gorgeous, whimsical and provocative art in existence. The always slightly surreal and dreamlike mixture of photography and painting featuring famous and anonymous people is instantly recognizable and distinct.

The work is deeply rooted in popular culture and fuses themes of erotica, religion, sexuality, theatre and myth. Each portrait they create is infused with colour, wit and is a great reflection of the subject’s personality.

The creative process is precise and meticulously rehearsed: together the duo draft a project – first as a drawing, and then as an actual mise en scène where the use of a myriad of objects and accessories brought from their travels results in a rich theatrical spectacle, highlighted by their use of dramatic stage and lighting effects. Pierre and Gilles create their stunning costumes themselves, and they choose the make-up and hairstyle with the help of experts. Once the set is ready, Pierre photographs it and Gilles retouches the unique print with layers of paint.

At first glance, their photos have an almost kitsch, pseudo religious look to them, but once you dig deeper under the saccharine exterior, it becomes apparent that there is an enormous amount of “edge” and humour in everything they do.

The very first two professional portraits they ever did were of Andy Warhol and Iggy Pop for the very cool French magazine called Facade. That’s pretty much all you need to know. Since then, they have also worked with an absolutely amazing array of artists including, Marc Almond, Nina Hagen, Jean Paul Gaultier, Boy George and many more.

Most recently, they did a cover for one my favourite current fashion publications – “Fuuucking Young” featuring Lucky Blue Smith.

It’s difficult to even express how much of an influence their work has had on me and on Some Product as a creative entity. Having loved their work for so long, I think it’s safe to say that their approach and constant re-invention of popular culture is very much part of the ethos of what we try to do on a daily basis.


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August 27, 2015

Jamie Reid – Culture Shifter


Sure, some people would argue Andy Warhol was the single most important artist of the 20th century, and at times I could be one of those people. But, if I really think about it, for me it’s all about Jamie Reid. He is my Andy!

He took elements of Warhol and pop art, infused it with doses of situationism, social commentary, dissent and a heavy dose of black humour and created a style so new and revolutionary that it literally became the visual language of a new and exciting subculture, aka Punk.

First gaining notoriety in the late 1970’s as a designer behind the Sex Pistols, his work has influenced everything from fashion, contemporary art to modern magazine design. In a way his work has completely changed the way we see the world around us. That is a very rare thing to do.

All hail a true Culture Shifter.

Jamie continues to live and work in England.

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July 3, 2015

To Fiorucci with Love

Fiorucci is an Italian street wear brand established in 1967 and it flourished in the late 70’s and much of the 80’s. Although the brand is still around in some form, it really is a shadow of it’s former self. In it’s heyday it was one of the coolest names around. Combining pop culture, art, and fashion while infusing it with a sense of fun and sex that was never really done before. Fiorucci was was affordable, street and cool long before any of todays’ “fast fashion” brands ever existed, and it’s attitude was always pure sass!

Some Product would probably not exist without Fiorucci. I can’t think of many other brands that have had a more significant influence on our aesthetic and approach to design. We have always aspired to make products that are fun and functional with a reverence for pop culture.

Enjoy some very amazing vintage Fiorucci print ads, and an absolute must is this gem of a news clip about the original Fiorucci shop in New York. Watch it here.

TACK-O is where it AT!

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April 15, 2015

DRIPPING with CA$H – new low prices

We lowered all of our online retail prices ( due to the strength of the Yankee $$$ )… To mark the momentous occasion, we played around made some psychedelic looking images.

These kinda make me think of Garbage Pail Kids cards. Siiiiick!  xxx

Dripping with Cash blue - new low pricesDripping with Cash purple - new low pricesDripping with Cash teal - new low pricesDripping with Cash twotone - new low prices


Shop Now @ http://shop.someproductapaprel.com

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December 31, 2014

Some Product x City Trash

This is the last project and post of 2014, but many years in the making: City Trash.

I originally had an idea of collecting trash from the major cultural (art, fashion, music etc.) capitals of the world and somehow compiling it into something tangible and new. The idea for the trash was to be “city specific”, meaning that a particular piece of trash, whatever it maybe, originated in that city. After choosing some of the cities, I decided to send emails to various friends or acquaintances living in these cities and asked them to start collecting. Amazingly, almost everyone I asked actually sent me gift packets of garbage. Some were great, some were very average. Over time I visited most of these cities and did a bit of collecting myself. Then the stuff sat around in boxes in bags. I had no idea what to do with it or maybe just too lazy to start.

Eventually, I had an opportunity to participate in a group show, where different designers created pieces of wallpaper curated by Jonathan and Anita from Rollout. I did the first collage piece using some of the trash sent to me from Paris. (Image below). At that time, I also decided to slightly break away from just sticking to only collected trash and add a few bits and pieces of  more identifiable imagery from a particular city. I called the process “cheating”. However, I felt this imagery that was, by no means not all encompassing, helped to somehow ground the collages of actual trash. I chose these “cheat” items randomly from things I had around my house or studio. In one-way or another they all represented or reminded me of the city where they came from. These images are not meant to be “the last word” on the iconography or culture of a city, but rather and glimpse or the feel of a city in a particular time, thru a specific set of eyes and sensibilities.

Some Product produced a limited edition of the City Trash leggings and they will be released early in 2015. We have other interesting plans for these graphics as well as many new projects planned for the upcoming year. As always, Some Product – the brand, is a work in progress, and that’s how we like it.

These huge collages took a long time to collect, photograph, scan, mask out, clip and compile. A debt of gratitude to all who were involved and helped in this project in no particular order: Sabine, Chisa, Megan, Tyler, Natalia, Rene, Amy, Ann, Loraine, Yeni and Javi

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Happy New Years!


City Trash - London



City Trash - New York

City Trash - Tokyo

City Trash - Los Angeles

Ann in City Trash - Tokyo leggings

Parker in City Trash - Paris Leggings

First attempt at Paris Trash wallpaper at Rollout.ca group show.


Get the full collection here.

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August 31, 2014

Favourite Cover Song

As a kid I really loved when bands did cover songs, especially when I started going to punk shows. I always wanted to hear some punk band take a classic and totally turn it on it’s head, and create something new. To me that was the most “punk” thing. I always somehow felt deep down, that anything new was in one way or another built on the efforts and shoulders of its predecessors. A good cover was both a mocking and a tribute. Something destroyed and then rebuilt. Recently, I started to think what my favourite covers are and narrowed it down to three of the best.

Devo’s take on the Stones classic “Satisfaction”

Sid Vicious’ beautiful destruction of “My Way”

but my very favourite has got to be The Dickies absolutely stunning and defiant take on The Moody Blues “Nights in White Satin”.

It is pure pop perfection. The Dickies covered a lot of other songs and always managed to be one of the most original and coolest bands to ever come out of Los Angeles.

Watch the video here.

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