Tag Archives: mini dress

April 15, 2015

DRIPPING with CA$H – new low prices

We lowered all of our online retail prices ( due to the strength of the Yankee $$$ )… To mark the momentous occasion, we played around made some psychedelic looking images.

These kinda make me think of Garbage Pail Kids cards. Siiiiick!  xxx

Dripping with Cash blue - new low pricesDripping with Cash purple - new low pricesDripping with Cash teal - new low pricesDripping with Cash twotone - new low prices


Shop Now @ http://shop.someproductapaprel.com

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October 1, 2014

Some Product on the runway

We recently did a runway show during Fashion Week in Vancouver with our S/S 2015 collection.

Many of the graphic prints are from our ongoing collaboration with photographers Martina + Reem.

Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway


All photography by Kuna Lu & Ed Ng



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