Tag Archives: design

December 4, 2016

Roman Polanski film posters

Bitter Moon - France

Bitter Moon – France

Polish born film maker Roman Polanski has been one of my very favourite directors ever since seeing “The Tenant” at the age of 14. That movie profoundly shaped my world view and its’ emotional impact was undeniable.  As with most of Polanski’s films, it is the pure emotion of them that really stays with you long after the film is over. That is  all one can really ask of an artist.

A few years ago, I was in Krakow, Poland and stumbled upon and exhibit of Polanski’s film posters from around the world. Not only are the films great, but these posters also capture the golden age of film poster design from around the world.

Knife in The Water - W. Germany

Knife in The Water – W. Germany

Fearless Vampire Killers - Italy

Fearless Vampire Killers – Italy

Cul-de-Sac - Finland

Cul-de-Sac – Finland

What? - Norway

What? – Norway

Repulsion - Japan

Repulsion – Japan

Rosemary's Baby - Poland

Rosemary’s Baby – Poland

Rosemary's Baby - Poland

Rosemary’s Baby – Poland

Chinatown - W. Germany

Chinatown – W. Germany


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July 18, 2015

Platform is now in business

Our flag ship concept store front – Platform is finally open. It will function as our primary showroom and design studio as well as the first flag ship location for our own brands Some Product and Le Monde Gris. In addition we will carry an exclusive roster of quality local and international brands. Current line up of brands includes Assembly New York, Coco and Breezy, Skim Milk and Cast and Combed jewelry.

We were very intent on making the shop a truly fully unique shopping experience. Everything from the stackable topographic tables, crystal shaped change rooms to the giant LED lit emojis was designed by us specifically for the space. Rather then looking at any trends in retail we felt very strongly about staying true to our own individuality, dreams and imagination. In many ways the space was designed as an art installation that also functions as a store.

Pictures below show various design features and give a great feel, however to get the full experience, please visit us in person. We would love to see you! xo

Platform – 430 Homer St. – Vancouver


outside nighttime 3 mannequin 2 neon sign 1 change rooms at night 2 6 manequin and changerooms 4 emoji shop interior full product w tags 5 legs table w rack mannequin on table changerooms maddy on tableoutside cropped

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April 15, 2015

DRIPPING with CA$H – new low prices

We lowered all of our online retail prices ( due to the strength of the Yankee $$$ )… To mark the momentous occasion, we played around made some psychedelic looking images.

These kinda make me think of Garbage Pail Kids cards. Siiiiick!  xxx

Dripping with Cash blue - new low pricesDripping with Cash purple - new low pricesDripping with Cash teal - new low pricesDripping with Cash twotone - new low prices


Shop Now @ http://shop.someproductapaprel.com

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October 1, 2014

Some Product on the runway

We recently did a runway show during Fashion Week in Vancouver with our S/S 2015 collection.

Many of the graphic prints are from our ongoing collaboration with photographers Martina + Reem.

Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway Vancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runwayVancouver Fashion Week 2014 runway


All photography by Kuna Lu & Ed Ng



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February 27, 2014

Totem Leggings Origins

The incredible art and history of the totem pole is something unique to the Pacific Northwest of America and British Columbia. To create our “Totems” leggings we made a special photo trip to Vancouver Island to get just the right images.Photo 2014-02-24 7 49 25 PMtotem legging copy


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