Our flag ship concept store front – Platform is finally open. It will function as our primary showroom and design studio as well as the first flag ship location for our own brands Some Product and Le Monde Gris. In addition we will carry an exclusive roster of quality local and international brands. Current line up of brands includes Assembly New York, Coco and Breezy, Skim Milk and Cast and Combed jewelry.
We were very intent on making the shop a truly fully unique shopping experience. Everything from the stackable topographic tables, crystal shaped change rooms to the giant LED lit emojis was designed by us specifically for the space. Rather then looking at any trends in retail we felt very strongly about staying true to our own individuality, dreams and imagination. In many ways the space was designed as an art installation that also functions as a store.
Pictures below show various design features and give a great feel, however to get the full experience, please visit us in person. We would love to see you! xo
Platform – 430 Homer St. – Vancouver